Uncategorized April 25, 2023

Spring Sprang Sprung

I keep checking.  Maybe you are too?   The new listings should be popping on at any moment but they are hatching slowly.  There probably are a few reasons for this.  Some people can’t move because they have a low interest rate on their current mortgage and even if they get a lot more than they paid for their house they may find themselves downsizing and looking at the same monthly.  So they want to stay put.

Another, and less dire reason, maybe that the snow snowed late this year and so anyone who wanted to do exterior work before listing was delayed a bit.

The fact remains though–without a doubt we are low on listings.  We don’t have the insanity of 2020 where people were buying houses without even looking at them, but multiple offers are still the rule of the day.   Good listings at reasonable prices aren’t lasting more than a week or two.